
Lifestream for April 26th

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LiveMusic Baltimore accepted your friend request.
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Diana Hairstylist sent you a request in Links.
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John Trupp invited you to the event "Soul Gravity blows up Bethesda!"
twitter (feed #3)
via @TheOnion – Perky ‘Canada’ Has Own Government, Laws http://t.co/3tj9E6G
facebook (feed #2)
Andrea Procaccino accepted your friend request. Since she’s new to Facebook, you should suggest people she knows.
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DaVe McComb also commented on David Garrett’s photo.
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Doug Stevenson invited you to the event "Burning Hearts w/Kid Goat."
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Justin Jones accepted your friend request.
lastfm (feed #4)
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Juan Dudley posted on your Wall.
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Linwood Taylor accepted your friend request.
netflix (feed #17)
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Bleu McAuley invited you to the event "Bleu at George Mason University – open to the public!"
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Kenneth Haddaway accepted your friend request.
lastfm (feed #4)
facebook (feed #2)
Niki Barr invited you to the event "NBB @ The Velvet Lounge (Washington, DC)."

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