
Lifestream for August 11th

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Kindle Direct Publishing – http://bit.ly/qc83G6
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Added mailing list to website and FB page – Mike Shupp Email List – http://bit.ly/pVCmuD
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More on Facebook Cache “Hell”… | Mike Shupp – http://bit.ly/onHkK1 #fbcache #fbshare
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RT @alex_wags: Excellent news that jobs #s not as bad as predicted. Unexcellent news that unemployment still at 9.1% #Sigh http://huff.t
generic (feed #19)
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Happy 20th birthday World Wide Web, 8/6/91 via @techcrunch http://t.co/KMR42rq
generic (feed #16)
Posted 2 items.
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Taking The Plunge With LastPass | Mike Shupp http://bit.ly/n2WxjD
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Google+ invite: http://t.co/9AjAD1h
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RT @JoeNBC: Good Sunday Morning. A tough week for America but we will prevail. #USA
netflix (feed #17)
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Published Google+ Invite.
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Boeing unveils first Dreamliner for delivery http://t.co/9bMabcK via @etribune
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RT @songkick: Songkick co-founder Michelle is listed on Huffington Post’s ’18 Female Founders In Tech To Watch’ list 🙂 http://huff.to/
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RT @lastfm: All safe and accounted for at Last.HQ. If you want to help out #riotwombles throughout the UK follow @riotcleanup #riotcleanup
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Mars! RT @nasa: [Image of the Day] Opportunity’s View of the Rim of Endeavour Crater http://go.nasa.gov/oI6Dq4 #iotd
netflix (feed #17)
Received Source Code.
twitter (feed #3)
This is awful:UK Indie Labels PIAS Distribution Warehouse Fire – http://t.co/E3ZgjoG
blog (feed #1)
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A Faster Way to Message on Mobile – http://bit.ly/qTj52E