
Lifestream for June 20th

blog (feed #1)
twitter (feed #3)
RT @hypebot: Un-Muting The Web: Twitter + Soundcloud – Player Now Launches Inside Tweets http://t.co/aZr2dpCl
facebook (feed #12)
Terry Benshoff likes Mike Shupp Music.
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
twitter (feed #3)
the dBs (@ IOTA Club and Cafe w/ 4 others) http://t.co/soPCAee4
foursquare (feed #5)
Checked in at IOTA Club and Cafe
twitter (feed #3)
RT @huffingtonpost: Science explains why Jimi Hendrix was so awesome http://t.co/AiDYx3Jk
lastfm (feed #4)
lastfm (feed #4)
netflix (feed #17)
Queued Caillou.
foursquare (feed #5)
Checked in at The Hamilton
twitter (feed #3)
I’m at The Hamilton (Washington, DC) w/ 5 others http://t.co/Qn21HZaJ
twitter (feed #3)
On a Segway… sweet! (@ Old Post Office Pavilion w/ 5 others) http://t.co/sLgZ8uk0
foursquare (feed #5)
twitter (feed #3)
RT @billboardbiz: @Spotify launches free mobile radio for #iPhone, #iPad, challenge to @Pandora http://t.co/pylk75z4
twitter (feed #3)
Might have to see this… http://t.co/eiRqrGnf

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