
Installed Google+ iPhone App

Google+ iPhone App

I installed the Google+ iPhone app moments ago… it was available as a download from the iTunes App Store on computer, but isn’t showing up yet as downloadable directly to the iPhone; still had to perform a sync to get it installed on the device…

Home screen

First-Gen iPad Price Cut

iPad price cut

“As noted by CNET contributor Jim Dalrymple on his personal blog The Loop, AT&T today cut the price of the original iPad with 3G by $100, putting the 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB models on sale at $429, $529, and $629 respectively. By comparison, those units cost $629, $729, and $829 when they were first released.”

First-gen iPad 3G gets $100 price cut by AT&T | Apple – CNET News


PCMag.com iPad 2 Review

Apple iPad 2

GarageBand is an app now, and looks amazing…

Apple iPad 2 (Wi-Fi + 3G) Review & Rating | PCMag.com



Skype For iPhone Now With Video Calls

Skype for iPhone

Wow… over 3G… this is huge.

“It’s as simple as that: our iPhone app now comes with video.  The new app is compatible with the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch 4th generation with i0S 4.0 or above.”

Skype for iPhone now with video calls


iPhone 4

All set up, synched up, transferred… amazing. Who wants to try FaceTime?!


Sweet Jesus… Almost There…

iOS4 Update

After the better part of yesterday spent trying to UPDATE my iPhone 3G to the just-released iOS4 software, with each attempt ultimately hanging at the backup phase 5% complete, have now initiated a RESTORE instead, and seems to be working… 15 more minutes…