
Metro Cafe

Metro Cafe, Washington, DC
Metro Cafe, Wash. DC

Metro Cafe
1522 14th St NW
Washington, DC  20005-3722
(202) 518-7900
9:00pm  $10  solo acoustic  Charlie Mars Band, Paul Warren
Solo acoustic opening sets by Mike Shupp at 9, Paul Warren at 9:30 or so, followed by Atlanta’s Charlie Mars Band at 10pm; For advance tix call Box Office Tickets (800) 494-TIXS


Solo Acoustic Opener At Metro Cafe

Playing a solo acoustic opening set this Sun. night Nov. 7th, at the Metro Cafe in Washington, DC, before the Charlie Mars Band show.  Also opening is local songwriter Paul Warren.  Tickets are $10.00, for advance tix call Box Office Tickets (800) 494-TIXS