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Bandcamp’s Inter-net Shopping “Cart” (patent pending) is a Thing of Beauty

Mike Shupp – Music and Downloads

Bandcamp, the platform that powers the music sales for this website, recently added a shopping cart feature to their already streamlined checkout-flow. The cart lives conspicuously (which is a good thing) in the upper right hand corner of the page and smoothly updates itself without adding a single click to your checkout. It doesn’t require an account, and shows (for physical CDs) shipping costs right up front and in your currency. I love how Bandcamp focuses on just a few features, and does them each extremely well. And the killer feature for me, still, is having the ability to offer full CD fidelity, uncompressed, 16-bit / 44.1 kHz audio downloads (in addition to high quality MP3 320 and others) along with a PDF Liner Notes booklet. Give it a try

Mike Shupp Music & Downloads – download.mikeshupp.com

Bandcamp – U.S. Patent Application 12,973,070: Inter-net Shopping “Cart”

(Extra credit: test-drive the shopping cart, enter your comments and email in this blog post below, and I’ll send you a free download code)


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