
Timbre Live Music Discovery App

Timbre Music Discovery App
Timbre Music Discovery App

I am loving Intrepid Pursuits’ Timbre live music discovery app for iOS. It’s a really simple and intuitive tool for quickly looking up what shows are happening in your area tonight or in the coming week, and quickly hearing what the artists sound like. Music previews, if available, are pulled from the iTunes store and play immediately. Intrepid Pursuits’ founder Mark Kasdorf says “We want to be a service that lets you listen to a lot of music quickly. We don’t want you to not find any jazz, or any country, because you think you don’t like it…” and The New York Times calls it “radically simple…”

An Android version is expected by year’s end.

Timbre Offers Previews of a Variety of Bands Playing Nearby – NYTimes.com


48-Track recording for iPad: Auria



iDrumTune App

iDrumTune iOS app

Studio owners, musicians—this looks really interesting, an iPhone app for drum tuning:

iDrumTune is a simple and effective iPhone App which analyses the sound of a drum and provides a measurement of the drumhead vibration frequency, much in the same way to an acoustic guitar tuner which measures the vibration frequency of a guitar string. In Pitch Tuning mode, simply hold the iPhone over the centre of a drum, about 4-6 inches away, and strike the drum in the centre.”

I’m looking forward to downloading and trying this today… press release and Sound on Sound review links here:

Press Release July 2012 — iDrumTune

Sound on Sound News – iDrumTune iPhone app offers simple solution for tuning drums