
Metro Cafe

Metro Cafe, Washington, DC
Metro Cafe, Wash. DC

Metro Cafe
1522 14th St NW
Washington, DC  20005-3722
(202) 518-7900
9:00pm  $10  solo acoustic  Charlie Mars Band, Paul Warren
Solo acoustic opening sets by Mike Shupp at 9, Paul Warren at 9:30 or so, followed by Atlanta’s Charlie Mars Band at 10pm; For advance tix call Box Office Tickets (800) 494-TIXS


Solo Acoustic Opener At Metro Cafe

Playing a solo acoustic opening set this Sun. night Nov. 7th, at the Metro Cafe in Washington, DC, before the Charlie Mars Band show.  Also opening is local songwriter Paul Warren.  Tickets are $10.00, for advance tix call Box Office Tickets (800) 494-TIXS


Free Show At Iota This Sat. Night

Iota Club & Cafe, Arlington, VA
Arlington, VA

We’ll be at IOTA club this Sat. night Oct. 30th.  We will go on first, starting very close to 9:30 p.m., so get there early, have a beer, relax!  Excellent area band Yuma House is on after us, and a third local act may still be announced…  IOTA club is in Arlington VA.  And, the night before, Fri. Oct 29th, will be a rare, acoustic, Big Bang Theory reunion of sorts, as Mike Shupp and Victoria Grace join Sam Spencer during his opening set for 24fps at the Metro Cafe in Wash. DC!


Metro Cafe

Metro Cafe, Washington, DC
Metro Cafe, Wash. DC

Metro Cafe
1522 14th St NW
Washington, DC 20005-3722
(202) 518-7900
10:00pm  $7  w/ Hooverville (Mary Cutrufello cancelled)

Originally scheduled with Mary Cutrufellow, who had to cancel at the last minute; break up your week with this excellent rock show — we’ll be at the METRO CAFE in D.C. this Wed. night (set-time 11pm), with fellow locals Hooverville (10pm) …localmusic.com features the show in their “This Week’s Picks” section. Hope to see some of you there! This will be a packed show — For advance tix call Box Office Tickets (800) 494-TIXS


More Press…

More press for the Wed., Aug. 18th show at the Metro Cafe in DC, supporting Mary Cutrufellow — a nice mention in the Washington Post’s “Weekend” section, and a “This Weeks Picks” mention at Localmusic.com


Metro Cafe Show With Mary Cutrufello

Shupp performing at the Metro Cafe in DC Wed., Aug. 18th, supporting Mercury recording artist Mary Cutrufellow.


Metro Cafe

Metro Cafe
1522 14th St NW
Washington, DC  20005-3722
(202) 518-7900
10:00pm  $5  w/ Joseph Arthur, Jonasay
Music gets started at 10 p.m. with an acoustic set from Joseph Arthur (who is on Peter Gabriel’s RealWorld label), first week of a 4-week residency; I’m up next with a full-band set; followed by Baltimore band Jonasay. We will be showcasing some new material, as well as playing plenty of songs from “October Sun.”  Come on out and catch this great line-up at the Metro!


Paul Warren’s Acoustic Showcase

Metro Cafe, Washington, DC
Metro Cafe, Wash. DC

Metro Cafe
1522 14th St NW
Washington, DC 20005-3722
(202) 518-7900
7:30pm  (solo acoustic)  Paul Warren, Todd Baker, Lu Bango