
Spotify Artist Shop

Mike Shupp Store is also available on Spotify, with retail CDs, some downloads, and some new merch items. Products are displayed toward the bottom of the main artist page, as well as on album pages.

Spotify Artist Shop - Mike Shupp
Spotify Artist Shop
Mike Shupp

The Spotify Artist Shop has a dedicated homepage, as well as full detail pages for each product. Watch this space for future additions to the store…


Mike Shupp Merch on Spotify

Mike Shupp Merchandise on Spotify
Mike Shupp Merch on Spotify

Mike Shupp retail CDs (and future merchandise) are now available for purchase through Spotify. Merch will display in the Spotify apps and web players toward the bottom of the main artist page, as well as on each album title page, respectively.

Displayed merch items link to full product detail pages where the final shopping cart and checkout process takes place. Stay tuned for coming additions to the new store…!