
New ReverbNation HTML 5 Widget

The new ReverbNation HTML5 widget works on iPhone, iPod, iPad, more…


Bon Iver’s Studio

April Base studio

SPIN Play, SPIN Magazine’s iPad app, ran this cool mini-documentary and interview with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, on his new home studio April Base

(embedded flash video will appear below momentarily, excepting iOS)


Fender Guitars Files for IPO

Eric Johnson Strat

Fender guitars files for IPO…

Fender Ready For Guitar Solo, Files For $200 Million IPO – Forbes.


iOS 5.1 Up and Running

iOS 5.1 on iPad 2

All set up with iOS 5.1 for my iPad 2 and iPhone 4, as well as the iTunes 10.6 update… all working great so far. I like the ability to delete from Photo Stream from any device. Looking forward to checking out iPhoto and the new GarageBand and iMovie as well…


LEGO Space Shuttle Makes It Into Space – Forbes

“My Lego tribute to the end of the space shuttle era. Proving that although retired, this machine can still fly, albeit in toy form.”

LEGO Space Shuttle Makes It Into Space – Forbes

“As a tribute to the end of the Space Shuttle program, a YouTuber going by the handle vinciverse used a LEGO Space Shuttle kit to make a shuttle, he then attached it to a helium balloon, hooked up a camera, and watched as the shuttle flew into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Here’s vinciverse’s description of the launch:”

“The launch took place from central Germany and reached a max altitude of 35000m. A 1600g meteo balloon filled with helium was used alongside a GoPro Hero, Spot GPS and of course Lego Space Shuttle model 3367. The launch took place on the 31st of December 2011, the equipment was recovered via GPS tracking 240 km S-E from a remote area.”


Trying Google+



I‘ve been trying out Google+ for a few days… a little confusing to figure out what to do, but seems very cool.  The group video conferencing feature “Hangouts” seems to me like it will be huge…

My profile is at:  michaelshupp@gmail.com

Interactive demo: Welcome to the Google+ project


Fermilab Scientists Discover New Particle – Forbes


“Scientists at Fermilab have announced the discovery of a new particle – the neutral combination of a strange quark, an up quark and a bottom quark, which has been dubbed Xi-sub-b for now. It’s a neutral particle, making it a cousin to the neutron (which is comprised of one up quark and two down quarks). The existence of this particle is predicted by current ideas in physics, but…”

Fermilab Scientists Discover New Particle – Alex Knapp – Robot Overlords – Forbes.


No Scrobbling Goodness Today? Last.FM Down

Last.FM Music Recommendation

“Since 04:00 GMT on Sunday morning, the primary Radb service has been exhibiting intermittent problems meeting acceptable service levels. This means that libraries, scrobble counts and the services associated with them (stats, radio stations etc) appear to be broken when you use Last.fm.

We’re working very hard to fix this as soon as possible, and we’ve had engineers on it throughout yesterday and last night, but we wanted to keep you posted here with what’s happened and what we know so far.”

Last.fm – the Blog · Library and streaming services outage.